Borrowing money from friends or relatives may be a touchy subject, but it’s one that many people have experienced. Whether you’ve been through it yourself or heard about it from others, circumstances like this may be extremely difficult for everyone concerned. While the desire to help and the assumption that it is a harmless gesture may motivate the notion of borrowing and lending money, there is a reason why so many relationships fail due to monetary difficulties that could have been prevented in the first place. Due to the widespread availability of institutional loans with convenient payback conditions, the desire to borrow from friends and family has substantially decreased in recent years. Nonetheless, when we are unable to obtain a loan because to a poor credit score, prior delinquent debts, or any other reason, it remains a popular option.
There are occasions when you need money for your start up, a modest quantity of funds to get you through an emergency, or to satisfy your individual needs, such as purchasing a new phone or taking a long-overdue family trip. Borrowers frequently resort to friends and family for assistance in such instances. Because isn’t that what friends are meant to do, after all? In the event of an emergency, to support you and be your backup? Well, not really. Here’s why –
1. You place your relative or acquaintance in a bad situation.

They may not have any additional funds to lend you or may refuse to do so. They also don’t feel comfortable saying no to you, regardless of their position. This puts them in an awkward situation, and it may cause your acquaintance to disregard you.
2. Outings with friends become uncomfortable
The scenario gets extremely unpleasant every time you encounter the lender at a social gathering. You’re ashamed that the person knows about your financial situation, and the lender isn’t sure whether or not to bring up the subject. For both the lender and the borrower, need to tread carefully so as to not make the situation awkward.
3. You risk permanently harming the bond.
Assume you won’t be able to pay back the debt. Or the lender has an immediate need for the money and expects you to pay it back right now. Debt is a critical problem that has the capacity to destroy even the most enduring partnerships.
4. Misunderstandings that might occur
There are sure to be ambiguities in every arrangement. Money-related issues might be particularly perplexing. A close relative who agrees to give you money can realize that they need it back sooner than expected, or you might have trouble repaying the loan on time. There are a variety of potential misconceptions.
5. There’s a lot on the line in terms of credibility.
When you take a loan or borrow monetary funds from a family member or a close relative, your reputation is at stake. However, an unhappy family member may inform other members of the family and acquaintances about your debt or refusal to repay it. Your image will be tarnished among such people, and you can probably can never accepting another loan from a friend.

The solution, you ask? Borrow from formal financial institutions and manage both your money and relationships the right way!
But since interest rates are soaring these days and the terms of getting loans are getting unfavorable every day, it is best to select a loan that satisfies your financial needs and also doesn’t pose a huge liability.
Getting a gold loan in this case is the best solution. And choosing a financial institution whose vision aligns with your is indeed very crucial. Choose wisely and never depend on others for your financial needs, it is only going to open up doors to more problems, not solutions.

IFL housing finance offers gold loan on the best terms possible. From extremely low interest rates to easy re-payment options, it is the best solution for your immediate financial needs. Get in touch with us and hop onto the wagon towards financial freedom!